Amanda L. Folk is an associate professor and Head of the Teaching & Learning Department in the University Libraries. She received her PhD in social and comparative analysis in education from the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Education. Folk’s research explores the sociocultural nature of information literacy and the associated implications for pedagogy and learning. She has also pursued collaborative research examining the library experiences of Black and African-American undergraduate students. She is currently the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Academic Librarianship and has published in College & Research Libraries, portal: Libraries and the Academy, and College & Undergraduate Libraries. She collaborated with the Student Success Research Lab on two research projects, both of which focused on affordable learning efforts – the Affordable Learning Exchange (ALX) Impact Study and the evaluation of the Ohio Open Ed Collaborative. In both studies, Folk participated in data collection and analysis, as well as contributing to the development of associated publications and presentations. Folk also co-authored a CCRC working paper entitled “The Role of Librarians in Guided Pathway Reforms” with Dr. Jaggars.