Assistant Vice Provost and director of the Student Success Research Lab
41 to 46 of 46 presentations
Heckler, A.,&Jaggars, S.S.,&
Johnson, T.,&
Kennedy, G.,&
(2018, April). Estimating college instructor effects on subsequent student success. Poster presented at the first annual Student Success Analytics Summit, Bloomington, IN
Jaggars, S.S.,&
(2018, March). College course shopping: Why do university students take courses from other colleges, and what are the financial and accountability consequences?. Poster presented at the 43rd annual conference of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, Portland, OR
Jaggars, S.S.,&
(2017, November). Solving cost problems through technology. Invited presentation to a closed meeting of the Midwestern Higher Education Compact, November 14, 2017. Overland Park, KS
Jaggars, S.S.,&
(2017, October). Textbook affordability: OSU ALX. Invited presentation to a closed meeting of the American Enterprise Institute’s Higher Education Working Group, October 20, 2017, Washington, D.C
Jaggars, S.S.,&Folk, A.L.,&Rivera, M.D.,&
(2017, October). How does OER adoption impact classroom teaching & learning?. Session presented at the 14th Annual Open Education Conference, Anaheim, CA
Jaggars, S.S.,&
(2016, April). Pathways and a comprehensive student success strategy.. Plenary speaker at the Ohio Department of Higher Education Bridges to Success workshops, April 20 & 21, 2016. Cincinnati & Lorain, OH.