The Transfer Reset: Rethinking Equitable Policy for Today’s Learners
OSAS Assistant Vice-Provost Shanna Jaggars, along with colleagues on the national Tackling Transfer Policy Advisory Board, is pleased to announce the release of the Board’s report, The Transfer Reset: Rethinking Equitable Policy for Today’s Learners.
The Board includes leaders in education policy from four-year institutions, community colleges, and state departments of education.
The new report emphasizes state, system and federal policies, and focuses on policies that could dismantle inequitable transfer policies and build a new approach designed to center students and the recognition of their learning as they transfer across institutions and move through their varied lived, work and learning experiences beyond high school.
The state, system and federal policy recommendations span three interrelated areas:
- Harnessing data for transformational change;
- Maximizing credit applicability and recognition of learning; and
- Advancing strategic finance and impactful student aid.
Because transfer is a notoriously complex challenge, the Board further undergirded its policy recommendations with a set of stakeholder engagement strategies designed to drive reform and solid implementation by building a supportive ecosystem and political will.
To access the full report, please see:
To follow the conversation about transfer, please see: