Columbus City School Pipelines to STEAMM Bachelor’s Degrees and Beyond


Spring 2023 - Autumn 2023


The Columbus City School Pipelines to STEAMM Bachelor’s Degrees and Beyond study seeks to understand factors impacting CCS students’ interest in and pursuit of bachelor’s degrees and potential further education in STEAMM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, and medicine) disciplines, including health and information technology (IT) fields. With funding from the J.P. Morgan Chase New Skills initiative, this study will gather input from district staff and partners who work closely with CCS students to better understand:

  1. CCS students’ current awareness of and interest in pursuing science-related bachelor’s degrees, and potential strategies to increase awareness or interest;
  2. Challenges or barriers that hinder CCS students from pursuing science-related bachelor’s degrees, and potential strategies to address those challenges; and
  3. CCS students’ perceptions of Ohio State as a good option for the pursuit of a science-related bachelor’s degree, and potential strategies for Ohio State to improve as an option.

Project Leads