Shanna Smith Jaggars

Assistant Vice Provost and director of the Student Success Research Lab


11 to 20 of 46 presentations


  • Jaggars, S.S., & Rivera, M.D., & Hance, E., & (2021, February). Excess at the end: Investigating degree audits of bachelor’s-earning transfer students. Session presented at the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students (NISTS), Virtual.
  • Jaggars, S.S., & Rivera, M.D., & Hernandez, A., & Hance, E., & (2021, February). GPA drop after transfer: Effects on retention and graduation. Session presented at the Great Lakes Regional Student Success Conference (Oakland University), Virtual.
  • Jaggars, S.S., & Buelow, M.T., & Rivera, M.D., & Cepeda, R. , & (2021, February). The influence of self-efficacy on the transfer process. Session presented at the Great Lakes Regional Student Success Conference (Oakland University), Virtual.
  • Jaggars, S.S., & Rivera, M.D., & Buelow, M.T., & Cepeda, R., & (2021, February). Transfer during the COVID-19 pandemic: Understanding student experiences in a shifting context. Session presented at the Great Lakes Regional Student Success Conference (Oakland University), Virtual.


  • Jaggars, S.S., & Rivera, M.D., & Buelow, M., & Cepeda, R., & (2020, November). Experiences and barriers to learning for transfer and campus change students during the COVID-19 shift to remote instruction. Poster presented at the 2020 Council on Research in Student Progress and Educational Excellence (CRISPEE) Conference, The Ohio State University, Virtual.
  • Jaggars, S.S., & Rivera, M.D., & Buelow, M.T., & Cepeda, R., & (2020, November). “Feeling like a glorified freshman”: Experiences transferring from open-access institutions to a large research university.. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) 2020 Annual Conference, Virtual.
  • Jaggars, S.S., & Rivera, M.D., & Hance, E., & Zhu, Y., & (2020, November). Investigating excess credit: An analysis of degree audits and academic program requirements.. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) 2020 Annual Conference, Virtual.
  • Jaggars, S.S., & Rivera, M.D., & Zhu, Y., & Hance, E., & (2020, November). Pathways to degree completion: The evaluation of four-year undergraduate program degree maps. Poster presentation at The National Symposium on Student Retention hosted by The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (University of Oklahoma), Virtual.
  • Jaggars, S.S., & Rivera, M.D., & (2020, November). Relegated to the “academic graveyard”: Discussing the complexity and nuances of excess crediting. Facilitated discussion presented at The National Symposium on Student Retention hosted by The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (University of Oklahoma), Virtual.
  • Jaggars, S.S., & Rivera, M.D., & Buelow, M.T., & Cepeda, R., & (2020, November). Understanding transfer experiences of students transitioning from open-access campuses. Poster presentation at The National Symposium on Student Retention hosted by The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (University of Oklahoma), Virtual.